In 1983, a 16-pound baby amazed everyone – you won’t believe how he looks today!-650


In 1983, Patricia Clarke gave birth to her son, Kevin Robert Clark, a baby so large that he instantly made headlines. Weighing in at an astonishing 16 pounds, he was not just the biggest newborn at Community Memorial Hospital but quite possibly the largest baby ever born in New Jersey at the time. His unusual size caught the attention of doctors, nurses, and the media alike. Despite concerns about potential health complications that often come with such a high birth weight, Kevin was in perfect health, a robust and happy infant who quickly became something of a local celebrity. His parents, initially overwhelmed by the unexpected size of their newborn, soon embraced the attention, fielding interviews and receiving congratulatory messages from strangers who had heard about Kevin’s record-breaking birth.

As word of Kevin’s remarkable size spread, national media outlets picked up the story. Before long, he was featured on major television programs, including Saturday Night Live and Good Morning America, where his mother was asked countless times how she had managed to carry such a large baby. With a mix of humor and humility, she would joke about needing a break after such an ordeal, while also expressing her gratitude that Kevin had been born healthy and strong. The public was fascinated by this unusually large baby, and many people followed his growth over the years, curious to see if he would continue on an extraordinary trajectory.

And grow he did. Kevin’s towering height became just as much a talking point as his birth weight. By the time he was 12, he had already reached 5’7″—taller than most adults—and by junior high, he had shot up to an impressive 6’5″. His rapid growth led to a series of amusing and sometimes awkward encounters, as people constantly asked him if he played basketball. He quickly developed a witty response: “I like to say I’m 5-foot-21. When people ask if I play basketball, I ask if they play miniature golf.” His humor and charisma helped him navigate a world where he often stood out, sometimes quite literally.

While Kevin’s size made him unique, it also presented challenges. He had to special-order shoes because regular stores rarely carried his size. Finding clothes that fit properly was a constant struggle, and he had to duck through doorways in older buildings where the ceilings were lower. Despite these inconveniences, Kevin learned to embrace his stature and the attention that came with it. He realized that being exceptionally tall wasn’t just about standing out physically—it gave him an opportunity to connect with people in ways he might not have otherwise. Whether it was strangers stopping him on the street to ask about his height or children looking up at him in awe, Kevin became accustomed to the curiosity and questions that followed him wherever he went.

By the time he reached adulthood, Kevin stood at a commanding 6’9″, making him taller than nearly everyone he encountered. Even in a crowd, he was impossible to miss. While some might have found such attention overwhelming, Kevin took it in stride—literally. “Not a day goes by without someone asking how tall I am,” he admitted, though he no longer minded the constant inquiries. Over time, he found humor in it, often playfully exaggerating his height just to see people’s reactions. His sense of humor and easygoing nature made him well-liked, and he formed strong friendships with people who appreciated him for more than just his towering frame.

Kevin’s life took him in many directions, including military service, where his size and strength proved to be an asset. As a former soldier, he developed discipline and resilience, skills that helped him in everyday life. Eventually, he settled down and started a family, marrying a woman who, at six feet tall herself, was taller than the average person but still had to look up to meet his gaze. Together, they raised a Great Dane—a fitting choice for a man whose life had always been marked by largeness.

Now, at 40 years old, Kevin has fully embraced the life that comes with his extraordinary height. While some might see it as a burden, he sees it as just another part of who he is. He’s long since grown accustomed to the stares, the questions, and the never-ending curiosity about his size. He moves through life with an effortless stride, navigating a world that wasn’t necessarily built for someone his height but making it work all the same. And while he may always be known as the giant baby who took New Jersey by storm, he’s also so much more—a man who has learned to embrace his uniqueness, find humor in his differences, and stand tall, both literally and figuratively, in every sense of the word.

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